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A composite photo of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko and billionaire businessman Oleg Deripaska On her, Rybka posted photos and videos showing her and Deripaska together on his yacht. One, posted in August 2016, features Deripaska standing on his yacht and speaking with Sergei Prikhodko, a deputy prime minister and top foreign policy advisor. Deripaska can be heard addressing Prikhodko by his first and middle names -- a common form of address. 'Scandalous Sensationalism' Navalny also said his investigators found public records that said Prikhodko spent several days on Deripaska's yacht and was flown there on Deripaska's private jet. In another video, Deripaska can be heard explaining why relations between the United States and Russia are so tense, something he appears to attribute in part to a former official who used to oversee Russia relations at the State Department and who worked on a Soviet whaling trawler years ago. WATCH: Aleksei Navalny's Report On Links Between Oleg Deripaska And Sergei Prikhodko (with English subtiutles).

Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories. Bolshaya raskraska (+ nakleyki) (Russian) Paperback – 2015. By Author (Author) Be the first to review this item. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Paperback, 2015 'Please retry'.
In his report, Navalny goes on to claim that Prikhodko's sojourn on Deripaska's yacht effectively amounted to a bribe from the oligarch. He also listed the deputy prime minister's hugely valuable property holdings in and around Moscow. Speaking to the Associated Press by e-mail, a spokesman for Deripaska denounced Navalny's report, saying it contained 'scandalous and mendacious assumptions.driven by sensationalism.' 'We totally refute these outrageous false allegations in the strongest possible way,' he added. Deripaska is one of Russia's wealthiest men, having amassed a fortune in the metals industry, which he now holds primarily through a company called Basic Element.
Friends In High Places In the 2000s, Deripaska was barred from entering the United States, after the State Department raised questions about possible connections to Russian organized crime groups. At one point, he enlisted the help of a prominent Washington lobbying firm, and the services of former Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, in trying to reverse the State Department's refusal to issue a visa. Congressional lobbying records also show another Washington firm was enlisted by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for help with the visa issue. In 2009, the FBI authorized his entry into the United States.