Feb 13, 2016 - GBA Rom/FireRed hack: Download Pokemon Sienna Beta 4.1 Fixed by Manipulation and Chibi Robo on Pokemoner.com - New Region - The. Play Pokemon Sienna (beta 3.1) online with Game Boy Advance browser emulation for free! Pokemon Sienna (beta 3.1) is a rom hack of Pokemon Fire Red (GBA). Play it with our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!
Author: hashtag Release Year: 2010 Original Version: Pokemon Fire Red Language: English Version: Beta 4 Pokemon Sienna is one of the best Pokemon Fire Red ever made by hashtag. It is really a wonderful hack you can not skip. The slogan of it is that “the slumbering beast from the haven has returned”. The project has still been progressing since 2010 and now you can download Pokemon Sienna Beta 4 which is released in 2014. With this release, you can play and defeat 8 GYM Leaders. Story You are a talent trainer and you want to enter Indigo Plateau trainer school in Kanto.
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But your request was rejected because of your lack of experience and you decide to have your own adventure. You always want be the Champion of Kanto, it is not only your dream but also your mission to be done. You receive your Pokemon from the Professor and begin your trip around Kanto. At each city or town, you must challenge the GYM Leaders. Along your way, you also meet the bad guys that are in an evil team. You must stop them to help other people.
Other things will be revealed when you play. Features A Completely New Region Decision-Based Storyline New Sprites and Tiles New Music and Sounds De-Capitalisation Professional Looking Fakemon Screenshots Click On This Download Button To Start Your Download.
Release Date: January 8, 2018 Genre: Hack, Monster Capture RPG Publisher: Logan Region: Region Free Languages: English Platform: Gameboy Advance Rom Type:.GBA Download Links: Size – (6MB) ———————————————————— For Extracting Rar Files Use or Notes: • Do I need to Download all the Parts? • For How to Extract (Multi) RAR Parts Games check the, Dont Ask that on the comment. • Update your WinRar software, Old Version’s sometimes ask for Passwords • There is NO Password on any game Files we uploaded, All games are Password Free. • Check everything Properly, If any RAR file showing its damaged or you get RAR CRC Error, re-download them.
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