Monster Hunter games aren't short, and I've reviewed two of them on the PSP. I've carved up foes, crafted my weapons, and drank more potions than you can shake a cooking Felyne at. Still, I've felt like the franchise has been stagnant as of late and I've been ready to see it passed on to another reviewer. That just changed. Has me more excited for this series than any other entrant I've tried, and it's all thanks to finally playing Tri this morning. Now, being excited for this Monster Hunter shouldn't take away from the PSP games I played (and gave favorable review scores to); it's just that today I played Monster Hunter Tri with the Wii's Classic Controller Pro, and the second analog stick is so effing sexy in the Monster Hunter sense of things. I went to a Monster Hunter event a few months ago to cover the debut of Ad-Hoc Party and saw that the Wii version was using the same 'D-Pad controls camera' setup as the PSP, and my heart sank.
Each and every review, I complain about how rotating the camera via the D-pad is a slow and arduous process that leads to lowly Velociprey killing me. So to have the freedom today to swing that right analog stick and have the camera follow while one button snapped the camera to my back was incredible. Subassembly composer for autocad civil 3d 2012 download. Seriously, the frustration I used to feel just melted away and I was able to enjoy downing mega potions and swinging my switch axe, which can niftily switch between an axe and a sword on command.
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Bring the fight to every Gobul you see with our video. Picking the axe/sword hybrid from my equipment box was a bit of a break from tradition for me; generally, I'm a sword in each hand type of hunter, however, there are no such weapons in this game. See, the past few games have been all about refining Monster Hunter's pieces, but Tri is taking the gameplay mechanics and starting over in a way.
There are new weapons, new areas, and new monsters. In fact, only three monsters are returning from prior games -- the Rathalos, Rathian, and Diablos – and they're being joined by new mammoths like the Gobul I faced off against today. The Gobul I faced off against underwater.
Yep, today's demo launched me beneath the waves of the Monster Hunter world, and the experience was pretty sweet because – if I haven't mentioned it before – Tri looks really good visually. Topside, there are a bunch of different characters, a moving set of massive gears in the online gathering hall, and a really great merging of colors and detail. Underwater, the same stuff applies. Whereas things are sunny, sandy and bright in the lobby I explored before my quest; once I started my mission deep in the forest, things were darker as the light was obscured by trees. When I dipped my head below water, the view got a bit cloudy as the light had to fight through the waves. Fish swam by, seaweed reached up from the floor, and the massive Gobul swam out of the murkiness in front of me.
If you haven't been following the Monster Hunter Wiki with a passion, the easiest way I can describe the Gobul is as a cross between a catfish, a blowfish, and one of those fish with the lights that hang off of its forehead. The Gobul has the hanging lantern to attract prey and stun it with a flashbang (in typical fashion, you rock the joystick to wake up from the attack), the spikes of a blowfish when it puffs up its back, and the whiskers of a catfish. It also has a long spiky tail that I can't relate to any fish I've ever seen, but I do know you can hack it off in battle if you like. Anyway, swimming works like you might expect with the blessed right analog stick controlling your dive and rise while the left stick controls which way you're going and such. There's no air meter or anything to worry about, so you're free to swim around and hack at the enemies you might face. The fight went the way most multiplayer Monster Hunter battles go at videogame events.
The noobs got trampled while trying to straight up stab the creature to death, some experienced players put down floating shock traps and lured the beast towards them, and I walked the line between trying to only attack when the time was right but still managing to get stabbed by the Gobul's blowfish spikes every now and again. Eventually, my questmates fell back and I followed the monster into the next section of the map. There, the beast crawled onto dry land and added another dimension to the fight. A dimension where he killed me. After falling, I returned to the online gathering hall, where I could arm wrestle, dine, and get drunk with whomever was wandering around the place. Today, there were just a few folks in the area, but when the game goes live, says it'll be packed with players just like yourself looking to grab quests off the board and venture out into the unknown.