Cookies on the JCB website: This site uses cookies to optimise your user experience. To find out more about cookies, what cookies we use and how you can manage or remove them see our cookie notice. Every JCB Excavator has a unique number printed on it for individual identification, either a Vehicle Identification Number or a serial number. If you are purchasing a used JCB Excavator, you should look up the VIN or serial number before you buy it to check the vehicle's history.
Hi all Need help please. Previous owner of my JCB used it off road for over 20 years and never had a V5c although he told me it had been registered when new so no V5C with my JCB 3C MK3 when I bought it. Applied to DVLA for document to be issued with original registration number. Machine has manufactures VIN plate and registration plate present so all details sent including rubbing of stamped number on LH chassis leg which is the same as the Tractor Serial Number on the VIN plate. Programmu dlya proshivki zte s300 s325. They wrote back asking for the chassis number which I cannot find so please can anyone tell me where it is or indeed did it have one? Thanks speners.
Hi All I have now got a V5C from the DVLA. It was suggested by the DVLA that I contact JCB and ask them to verify the chassis number. This I did and they replied and confirmed that the machine serial number and the chassis number is one and the same. Therefore the chassis number as far as the DVLA is concerned is the machine serial number without the model prefix e.g. If your machine serial number is 3C111 145980 the chassis number for the DVLA & thus the V5C is 145980. Hope this is of help.
Thanks to everyone on the forum who helped and also a special thank you to the newly formed JCB Club and JCB themselves.
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