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This is a subreddit for true crime discussion. Glorification / imitation will see you banned, temporarily or permanently.
Cleveland Torso Killer. Pennsylvania: The Frankford Slasher. Texas: The Phantom Murders/Texarkana Moonlight Murders Servant Girl Annihilator (aka Austin Axe Murderer) Wisconsin: Capital City Murders La Crosse, Wisconsin Serial Killer. Utah, Wyoming, Nevada and Idaho The Great Basin Murders.
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Klonirovanie hasp usb klyucha driver. Mark NSFW content. Please tag graphic images/videos as NSFW. Low effort content will be removed at our discretion.
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Definitions: • Current FBI definition of a serial killer: THREE OR MORE separate incidents with a cooling-off period in between. • Mass murderers kill two or more people in one incident in one location. • Spree killers kill two or more in one incident in two or more locations without a cooling-off period.
• Posts about figures that don't match the definition (Charles Manson, Jim Jones, hitmen, gangsters, mobsters, soldiers etc.) will be removed. Related subs: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Recommended Reading: •. (Special thanks to ) Recommended Podcasts: Note that these podcasts are a mix of serial killers and general true crime. • • • • • • • •.
She had been shot twice—once in the back and once in the chest—and severely beaten. Then her naked body was dragged from a vehicle, posed like a cross, and left by the side of northbound I-80 at the Shafter exit in Elko County, Nevada, between Wendover and Wells. On November 16, 1993, a traveler stopping to stretch his legs discovered her decomposing body stretched out in the sagebrush. Investigators believe she was killed elsewhere and dumped at the turnoff about six days before she was discovered. Tire tracks in the vicinity point to a mid-size to large vehicle, possibly a truck or a van. Investigators nicknamed her Shafter Jane Doe (she's also known as Elko Jane Doe) for the near-ghost town she was discovered near. Even though her body was found less than a week after her death, it had severely decomposed while lying unprotected in the desert sun.
Her nose had been broken by the savage beating to her face, which made identification even more difficult. An autopsy did shed some light on who she was and what her life was like. When alive, she'd stood about 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighed approximately 140 pounds. Investigators estimated her her age at about 27. An autopsy found that she'd probably given birth at least once. She was in the process of having a root canal on her lower right molar; she had all of her teeth including her wisdom teeth, and the medical examiner noted that her teeth were in excellent condition.