Yep.I perfectly know why you are here.You wish to recharge your phone for free, probably just for funs sake or just cuz you are dying to talk with your girlfriend but don't have balance for it.or you are just here to do it for educational purposes, which is a pretty lame excuse but I can digest that. Anyways.here we go. What you need? • Email ID • Cellphone • A registered number & sim • Patience How to Do it? Open your email account by entering your username & password, & drop an email to your telecom service provider - Dear Sir/Madam/Whatever I would like to bring to your attention that I have been trying to learn how to recharge my cellphone account for free by searching on the internet but in vain. I am very hopeful that I would be able to find an authentic way to top up my account for free one day.
I have this funny feeling that you organization is a silly company who will allow me do unlimited top ups on my account. Anyhow, I am a good guy and would resort to extreme ways,rather I humbly request you to provide me the recharge code of atleast 5000 INR. Thanks for your cooperation. Regards Your biggest Fan:) 9XXXXXXXXX That was easyisn't it?
Just Kidding folks.I was having some harmless fun at your expense. How actually you can Recharge your cellphone / top up for free? Open Notepad & type I am fooling around with this article thats making a fool of me:) WTF? Still reading? Ah well.Sorry once again guys.Actually, what I was thinking that upto this point, any self respecting noob might have closed the browser window and moved on to a different page.
I wrote this article as I was inspired by the fake recharge/top up code calculator programs scattered all over the internet. Especially in which a hex editor is provided to the unassuming audience in order to increase blog SEO.Great.now on to the actual topic, you CAN have free calls, unlimited SMS & every other facility for your. You need to have (Cheap method) - • Asterisk SwitchVOX • SIP connection (Session Initiation Protocol) • Knowledge of Linux + Servers • Lots of time OR You can have • Lots of Money • MINSAT (Mobile Intelligent Network Service Administration Tool) • Internet connection • Lots of knowledge + time (again!!) Due to some constant bullying by legal guys, I cant really publish the full method to go with recharges, but atleast I can give cues:D The Intelligent will find the way. Like this post? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Sugar bytes unique v121 incl keygen 1. Pacatronians step 1 go to at&t step to bring a paper clip step 3 go to the iphones step 4get the sim card out of the demo iphone go out side to your car and load it on sim reader usb clone it save than bring back in sim card.
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