This application lets you manage desktop display settings for multiple users. Display Resolution Manager has an easy-to-use interface with standard controls to tweak resolution and color settings. It allows you to assign the settings to a particular user or to all users.
Display Resolution Manager is a utility that allows multiple users sharing a computer to set their own display resolution, gamma, brigtness and contrast preferences. Display Resolution Manager will give you an opportunity to work with your favorite display resolution and color settings. Uni en iso 13786 pdf download.

Display settings include resolution, color depth, and frequency. Color adjustments include brightness and contrast.
If you're not satisfied with the color adjustment, you can easily restore it to the default settings. There are also a few options to save desktop icon location and restore settings at logoff.
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Though it performs well, the seven-day trial could be more generous. This easy-to-use application allows customized display settings for any multi-user computer, and is easy enough for anyone to use.
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