I knew atlas made lathes, shapers, and such but i did'nt know they also made sewing machines. On one of my trips to the recycle center for material I noticed an old case by the scrap metal dumpster, the manager said there were five machines someone had dumped off the night before.
Industrial Brand New Sewing Machines. The feel and sound of a brand new machine at your reach. We offer different kind of sewing machines from all major and recognized brands in America. Information on antique and rare sewing machines. Also manuals, hints and tips, dating and cleaning of machines.
As expected most were either kenmore or singer of the 70's - 80's vintage. The last case held to my surprise an atlas, oh and did I mention it was pink.
I thought it kind of neat so I brought it home plugged it in and it works, it is well used but it runs smooth. Am I the only one in the dark on this one? Awesome find!
I had no idea Atlas got into the sewing business. Keep in mind that a LOT of sewing equipment was rebranded, so that machine could have originally be made by any number of makers.It could even be a Japanese machine. I sew some specialty stuff occasionally, mainly equipment covers, soft cases, and lighting control goods.
I used to, but have moved on long since then. Casmate pro windows 7. This would only matter to you if you are concerned about exporting a job to be read and used by other applications. Millennium Grapics – About Us Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Please note that images exceeding desired finished size will be cut off. New Member Introductions Replies: Secara Default port yang dipakai COM2 ini jenis comunikasi serial.
Unless I want to drop many thousands on a brand new Japanese or Euro industrial machine, it's only the old US-made machines that punch through the thick fabrics I use.And people scrap them. Post some pics when you can, if you care to share. Also of interest, a quick google look yielded this. Not 100% sure, but found this: The Atlas sewing machine company was established in 1955. Their machines were branded machines built by Brother.
The Pink Atlas is the one that is most known. Atlas filed bankrupcy in 1962. And: Atlas was not really a company, but a label that was used on machines that were wholesaled by a distribution company. They were one of many made in Japanese factories in the 50's and 60's based on the Singer model 15. They are known for their bright colors, primarily pink. Underneath your machine, cast into the base, should be a model number starting with JA, JC, ect.
And a two digit number. This number can be comman to models sold under several names, in fact, they were sometimes shipped with 3 or 4 'badges' that could be attached at the point of sale.