List of Polish Historical Archives in Poland. This webpage provides basic information about archives in Poland. Thanks to a fruitful cooperation between PIASA and the Head Office of State Archives in Warsaw our library acquired guides and other publications concerning holdings and collections to be found in Polish archives.
Murals by Charles Davis in the workroom of the New York City Farm Colony, Staten Island. Photograph by Mark Nadir for the Federal Art Project W.P.A.
Opisj pozharnogo schita obrazec. Photographic Division, 1938. Collection of the Public Design Commission of the City of New York. Massazher vitek vt 1387 body master instrukciya for sale. The Public Design Commission maintains an archive of projects reviewed by the Commission since 1902, documenting more than 7000 sites throughout New York City and providing a unique view into the history of the City’s public works. Containing original documents, drawings, photographs, and architectural plans, the Archive informs the Commission’s review of current projects and provides a valuable resource to researchers. In addition, the Archive holds special collections that were acquired by Commission members and staff. These photographs, postcards, letters, books, and artifacts provide additional insight into the history of the public spaces and buildings of New York City. In 2013, the Commission launched a long-term preservation project to digitize the oldest and most fragile materials in the collection, increasing public access to these historic documents while preserving the originals in appropriate archival conditions.
Selections from the Archive are uploaded regularly to. The Public Design Commission offers every other month for individuals.